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Rel T/7x

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REL’s legendary High Level Input connection and fast filters are a significant chapter in the REL story. Connecting via the speaker outputs of your amplifier without drawing any power from it may seem like magic, but the real magic lies in the way the sound takes on a natural character and blends seamlessly with your speakers. Unique tuning and special limiters means the T/7x sounds fresher, faster and more dynamic than before.


T/7x is, without reservation, one of the most-balanced RELs of all time. In order to achieve perfect balance, a sub must weigh speed against heft, while ensuring true extension-depth-and do so in a physically harmonious package. T/7x manages to make it all seem easy. Quick and delicate for a perfect blend, it can pound out exceptionally deep, tuneful bass that belies its size and plays louder than most will ever require.

Parameters :

• Przetworniki: aktywny -

200 mm, pasywny - 254

mm, 200 W RMS,

• Wzmacniacz - Klasa AB

• Obudowa zamknięta,

przetwornik aktywny z

przodu, pasywny z dołu

• Sz. x wys. x gł.:

356 x 320 x 363 mm

• Waga netto: 17,5 kg

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